5 Amazing Summer Vacation Ideas for Kids

So, what are your kids plan for summers? Are they going to a summer camp, visit relatives or enrolled for special classes? No matter how busy they are, summers are long and can make them feel bored. This is the time to discover new passion and experiments. But sometimes even creative child run out of ideas, so here we have collected some ideas that you can add to your checklist.

1. Enjoy watching the stars

Clean sky during summers is perfect for stargazing. If it is cold outside take a blanket and snuggle your child looking at the never-ending sky. Recite the constellations, planetary locations and other amazing facts about the universe. This will enhance his knowledge and make him feel incredible.

2. Discover your outdoors

Everyone loves to be in nature and for children spending time with nature is an amazing experience. Take your kids to your home surrounding areas or enjoy a trip to a nearby hill and make their vacations astounding.

3. Watch movies

On such days, when its too hot to go outside, watch a movie with your child which he had missed in the theater. Prepare snacks and milk drinks to make the afternoon more engaging. Do a pillow fight with your little girl while she is in girls summer nightwear and make the lazy afternoon an entertaining one.

4. Art and craft

Drawing and painting are messy, but it very productive, setting up an art space in your home will encourage your child to make art as  part of their routine. Although children are very creative, sometimes they need your help so, get ready to give brilliant ideas for crafting their summer projects.

5. Board Games

Board games can be played at any time of the year.  If you have more than one kid then they can play together but if you have only one child then invite your child nearby friends and encourage them to play board games. Playing enhance children social skills and help them gain patience. The best thing about indoors games is that your girl need not change her cotton pyjamas for playing.

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