5 Tips to Make Your Kids Bed Time Easy

A poor night sleep has a deep impact on children. They feel restless all the day which contributes to crankiness, problems with learning and many other health issues. Although sleep is important for everyone, it is crucial for kids who are growing both physically and mentally.

Below five things can help your kid get a good sleep. We hope our suggestions work for you.

1. Unplug electronics

According to a study, children and teenagers are more vulnerable to sleep disruptions due to screens. Digital devices emit blue light which affects the sleep hormone melatonin. Studies show twice a drop in the level of melatonin in children when they are exposed to screens as compare to adults. So it's better to turn off all electronic devices at least one hour before bed. Otherwise, your children will likely to have delayed sleep or few hours of sleep.

2. Make a routine

Bedtime routine not only makes your child feel comfortable and secure at the end of the day but also helps in setting his or her body clock. Everyone should ideally go to sleep and wake up at the same time every day. Yes, this also includes weekends. Sleeping extra on Saturdays and Sundays can disturb your child circadian rhythm and make waking up for school days even more harder.

3. The environment

Due to the presence of some allergens in the bed and clothing, some children find it difficult to sleep at night. Itching, congestion and overheating make them feel uncomfortable all night. Go to a pediatrician for testing your child allergies if you doubt this to be the case. Spend your bucks on nonallergic kids cotton nightwear and bedsheets to make their sleep trouble free.

4. Spend tome together

Kids feel relaxed when they feel loved. A little cuddling up, bedtime stories and chit chat is likely to calm your child. For little babies singing songs, soothing words work like magic and help them drift into their dreamland serenely.

5. Encourage physical activity

Children nowadays like to plop down in front of a television, computers or mobiles. Physical activities keep children physically and mentally fit. Playing, running and doing fun activities all along the day make them tired and lead to better sleep at night.

At last, no matter what rules you follow to help your kids gets a good night sleep, if you don't practice them you will not get the expected results. Moreover, your kids can question you if you are not following the rules, yourself.

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